Supporting the Mental Health of our TEENAGERS 
around the world

⚠️ALL Teens are going to go through hard times where they are completely overwhelmed with the world, especially now!!!
⚠️ALL teens are going to experience FOMO and not understand why they start thinking there must be something wrong with them. 
⚠️ALL teens are going to compare themselves, judge themselves, hate on themselves, withdraw a little...
Do not wait until you see signs in your teenager that they may be struggling. 
Get in first!!!!
Show them what real #selfcare is about - mentally and physically. 
Share with them the tools they can use, any time, any place... to help push through the crappy times and build a beautiful relationship with themselves.
#selfcare in a box 📦 has everything your teenager needs to:
1. Know you will always support them - regardless of what happens.
2. Know how to support themselves when life feels overwhelming.
3. Build the confidence in their ability to accept their emotion without judging themselves and believing something is wrong. 
4. Learn how to more mindful, accepting what is, not stressing about what will be and slowing down mentally.

 Not Sure??? Seriously call me. I'm happy to have a chat
Call: Natalie (Mindfulness Counsellor & ANXIETY Coach) on 0404 848 964

I LOVE the work I do 💕💕

Each day I work with teenagers and their parents... building a new way to work through this world.
I help parents & teens find a common language where everyone feels heard, feels valued & feels safe to open up.
I have noticed so many teens don’t know how to process all the information they receive daily... hourly... every minute... and this is why I have created these tools - to empower your teenager with the knowledge 
“You can do this!!”
Here is the beautiful letter your teen can put on their wall to remind them that mum will ALWAYS have their back. In the #selfcare in a box 
#selfcare in a box
#selfcare in a box supports internal self-care by reducing anxiety and teaching your teenager ways to cope and reduce their anxiety. 

❤️External self-care is great but often what we portray on the outside is not aligned with what is happening on the inside. 
Massages, face masks, the latest Nikes are great for external #selfcare, but often this is only a short term fix and many teenagers do not understand why they are still feeling anxious or overwhelmed.  Teenagers who struggle with anxiety often do not have the tools or skills to make changes internally and feel the genuine power created when they know how to make changes on their own. 

What's included:
1. A beautiful A5 poster-sized letter from MUM - letting your teenager know you have their back. 
2. 8 x easy to use tips to reduce anxiety as it is happening.
3. 'Get it out' Anxiety notepad to bring a smile to their face. It's good to see the funny side of life too. 
4. 3 x mental health postcards for greater understanding on perfectionism, over-thinking and fear.
5. 22 x mindfulness cards
6. Personalised Soap with Hope (with a special message from mum)
7. Arrow charm for protection & to break negative thought patterns. 
8. Personalised Chocolate Bar (with a special message from mum)
9. FREE access to mindfulness techniques suitable for teenagers which can be accessed straight from their phone. 

Let your teenager know - 

We are experiencing unprecedented stress & ANXIETY - Help your child cope... this box is filled with tools to help your child cope with stress and anxiety. 

EMPOWER Your Teenager and 
It will change their life!
What you get in the #selfcare in a box:
A5 poster-sized letter from MUM
A letter from a parent to their teenager. This poster can be placed on their bedroom wall to help remind them that you are there, always, and will be their best supporter. 
If today is a hard day for you, then please hear my voice telling you - it is just one crappy day in your life and I know you are strong enough to get through it. From your best supporter, Mum xoxo
8 x easy to use tips to reduce anxiety
Anxiety is the difference between what is real and what you want to be real. It is the gap between where you are and where you would like to be. These 8 easy to use tools help bring the mind back to only in the present moment, removes judgement from the past or the perceived future and calms the mind. 
Becoming more mindful allows your teenager to experience the present moment for exactly what it is, reducing anxiety and building self-esteem. 
Anxiety notepad
"Oh great, another thing to worry about!!" This anxiety notepad is designed to help your teenager get their thoughts out and onto paper - process what they wrote... and to bring a smile to their face. It's good to see the funny side of life too. Anxiety is all about how you react to any situation. 
When you accept what is real (reality) and choose to take ownership of how you want to react, you have all the power to make any change you desire. 
3 x Mental Health Cards
Sometimes what your teenager thinks is their most significant asset, can be their biggest downfall. When your teenager can understand how perfectionism, over-thinking and fear can control their life and result in the opposite of what they want to achieve, they begin to take back their power. 

Perfectionism isn’t just the desire to be the best. It involves setting impossibly high standards, for you and others – that can never reached. 
22 x mindfulness cards
The mindfulness cards help build acceptance, reduce blame and eliminate anxiety - ONLY if you ALLOW it.
Each mindfulness card brings your teenager back to the present moment, allowing them to understand how they are feeling and realising, it is OK to feel this way. Reduce Anxious thinking and develop positive self-talk so the stories you tell yourself benefit you and move you forward. Positive inner dialogue builds self-trust for making the best decisions for you to achieve success.
Personalised Soap with Hope 
Most teenagers are passionate about the environment and living the most sustainable life. These beautiful soaps are Australian made - GOOD FOR YOU | GOOD FOR ANIMALS | GOOD FOR THE EARTH. 
There is a personalised message for your teenager to remind them just how much you believe in them. 
Message: (front) I believe in you ALWAYS xoxo
(back) My beautiful teenager - YOU CAN DO THIS
Arrow charm for protection
This 8mm silver arrow charm has two roles to play in helping your teenager to own their anxiety and believe they can make changes. The arrow represents protection, power and strength. By holding the arrow, your teenager knows they are moving forward in whatever direction they decide, and not looking back at what is left behind.
When anxious thoughts occur, holding the arrow helps break the negative thought patterns, simply by changing the focus it forces the brain to tell a new story. 
Personalised Chocolate Bar
Who doesn't like a little bit of chocolate?? And to have a bit of fun at the same time??
This Belgium chocolate bar is a perfect addition for any teenager to break the negative thought patterns and remind them just how amazing they truly are. 
Message: Always Remember: It's not who you are that will hold you back... you are amazing. 
It's who you think you are when being judged by others. ❤️ Mum
 FREE access to mindfulness techniques
Most teenagers spend a lot of time in their bedroom. Mindfulness techniques have been proven to  calm the mind and reduce anxiety, two things most teenagers need regularly. When the mind is calm, over-thinking, perfectionism and fear are reduced. 
Inside the membership, your teenager will have access to is 5 mindfulness techniques they can do in the privacy of their bedroom - and all straight from their phone. 
No searching required!!!
New FREE techniques will be added over a 12mth period.
Here's What Other People Are Saying:
Natalie McNamara - Mindfulness Counsellor & Coach
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The information provided in this box is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. This box is not meant to be used to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your own physician or medical practitioner. The publisher and author are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person reading or following the information in this book. References are provided for information purposes only and do not constitute an endorsement or any websites or other sources, Users should be aware that the websites and resources listed in this box may change. 
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